domingo, 14 de junio de 2015



Fill in the blanks using Past Perfect Tense.

1. We ------------------------- (meet) before you moved to Los Angeles.
2. When I got to the office, they ------------------------- (leave).
3. By the time the spring came, the flowers -------------------------- (bloom).
4. I was able to pass the exam since I ---------------------------- (study) regularly.
5. The movie ------------------------------ (already start) when we arrived there.
6. Before she traveled to Lisbon, she ---------------------- (reserve) the hotel room.
7. I ------------------------ (have) my lunch when they offered to eat out.
8. I didn’t realize that I -------------------------- (lose) my keys until I arrived home.
9. I noticed that I ------------------------ (forget) to take my passport with me before I left home.
10. I was able to understand her as I ------------------------- (know) Lea for more than ten years.
11. When the police came, the thieves ------------------------------  (already escape).
12. By the time you understood the problem I -------------------------- (find) the solution.
13. He was fired because he -------------------------  (give away) some documents.
14. I knew what to do because I ---------------------------- (experience) it before.
15. By the late sixteenth century, American silver -------------------------- (account) for one-fifth of Spain's total budget.


Fill in the blanks using the 1st. Conditional.

1. If it rains tomorrow, we ______________  (stay) at home.
2. If Walter _______________ (get) the job, he can earn a lot of money.
3. If it _________________ (not rain) this afternoon, we will play soccer.
4. If I _________________ (see) Emily, I will give her the book.
5. If you don't hurry, we __________________ (be) late for class.
6. If Helen drives carefully, she _________________ (not have) any accidents.
7. If you ________________ (mail) the letter now, he may receive it on Friday.
8. He will go to the pharmacy if he ________________ (need) some medicine.
9. If Robin _____________________ (drink) too much coffee, he will feel ill.
10. If you see Rachel, _____________________ (tell) her to visit my sister.

Fill in the blanks using the 2nd. Conditional.

1. If Oscar had time, he __________________ (take) a long holiday.
2. If Ingrid ___________________ (brush) her teeth regularly, she would have
fewer cavities.
3. If I got up early. I __________________ (be) there on time.
4. If we helped each other, we __________________ (be) happier.
5. Sam would help the poor if he ____________________ (be) rich.
6. The city would look more beautiful if people _________________ (not throw) rubbish on the streets.
7. Neil wouldn't have the accident if he _____________________ (not brake)
8. If Gary ____________________ (go) to bed earlier, he wouldn't feel so tired.
9. If Sally owned a car, she ___________________ (take) a trip to Virginia.
10. If Pamela worked harder, she _____________________ (probably get) a
better salary.

Fill in the blanks using the 3rd. Conditional.

1. If Mrs. Doe had been operated on immediately, her life _____________ (be) saved.
2. If Jordan _________________ (know) before, he could have loaned me
some money!
3. If you _________________ (leave) ten minutes earlier, you wouldn't have missed the train.
4. I would have helped them if one __________________ (tell) me that they were in trouble.
5. I would have lent you my car if you ___________________ (ask) me.
6. If we ___________________ (born) in the sixteenth century, our lives would have been different.
7. If John had been walking carefully, he _____________________ (not fall) badly.
8. I _____________________ (be angry) if you had told me the truth.



Read the passages and choose the correct options according to the readings. 

Reading 1.
One of my favorite vacation places is Mexico. I really like the weather there because it never gets cold. The people are very nice too. They never laugh at my bad Spanish. The food is really good. Mexico City is a very interesting place to visit. It has some great museums and lots of fascinating old buildings. The hotels are too expensive to stay but there are more affordable options. For example, you can stay at one of the beach resorts like Acapulco. If you are planning to visit Mexico, you should definitely see the Mayan temples near Merida. 

 A) Sam likes warm weather
 B) Sam doesn't like warm weather at all
 C) Sam hates warm water
 D) Sam likes cold weather

 A) His Spanish is very good
 B) He speaks Spanish very well
 C) He is Spanish
 D) He doesn't speak Spanish very well

  A) There's a lot to see and do in Mexico
  B) There aren't a lot of beautiful places in Mexico
  C) Mexico is a dirty place
  D) Tourists never come to Mexico
  A) Hotels are very cheap in Mexico
  B) The hotels aren't comfortable there
  C) Hotels are all poor in Mexico
  D) The hotels in Mexico are pretty expensive

Reading 2.
Last summer, we decided to spend our vacation at the beach because the weather was very hot in the mountains. The travel agent said that traveling by bus was the cheapest way, but we went by plane because it was faster. We wanted to have more time to spend at the beach. The weather was beautiful and we had a great time.

Final del formulario
5. We decided to go to the beach because ----.

A) it was cheaper than going to the mountains
B) the travel agent said that it was the cheapest
C) of the hot weather in the mountains
D) we wanted to spend time at the beach

6. The bus was the ---- way to travel.

A) best
B) easiest
C) cheapest
D) slowest

7. Traveling by plane was ---- than by bus.

A) more fun
B) cheaper
C) expensive
D) faster

8. We ---- our vacation.

A) hated
B) didn't like
C) Enjoyed
D) regretted

9. We had very ---- weather during our vacation.

A) good
B) hot
C) warm

D) cold



Choose the correct answers from the box to complete the following short passage 

My name is Hans. I (1)---- a mechanic. I (2)---- in London, I (3)---- a brother and a sister. My sister is a university student. She (4)---- medicine. She is going to be a doctor. My brother doesn't want (5)---- to university. (6)----he wants to be a mechanic like me. He comes and (7)---- me in my shop on Sundays. He hasn't finished his education yet. (8)---- his education, he is thinking of (9)---- with me. We will (10)---- the business together.
A) is
A) believe
A) owns
A) teach
A) go
A) Because
A) works
A) For
A) works
A) run
B) are
B) think
B) learn
B) learn
B) goes
B) Although
B) helps
B) Because
B) worked
B) depart
C) am
C) arrive
C) have
C) studies
C) went
C) Behind
C) is angry with
C) After
C) to work
C) put
D) do
D) live
D) study
D) uses
D) to go
D) During
D) shouts at
D) So
D) working
D) wear