domingo, 14 de junio de 2015



Fill in the blanks using Past Perfect Tense.

1. We ------------------------- (meet) before you moved to Los Angeles.
2. When I got to the office, they ------------------------- (leave).
3. By the time the spring came, the flowers -------------------------- (bloom).
4. I was able to pass the exam since I ---------------------------- (study) regularly.
5. The movie ------------------------------ (already start) when we arrived there.
6. Before she traveled to Lisbon, she ---------------------- (reserve) the hotel room.
7. I ------------------------ (have) my lunch when they offered to eat out.
8. I didn’t realize that I -------------------------- (lose) my keys until I arrived home.
9. I noticed that I ------------------------ (forget) to take my passport with me before I left home.
10. I was able to understand her as I ------------------------- (know) Lea for more than ten years.
11. When the police came, the thieves ------------------------------  (already escape).
12. By the time you understood the problem I -------------------------- (find) the solution.
13. He was fired because he -------------------------  (give away) some documents.
14. I knew what to do because I ---------------------------- (experience) it before.
15. By the late sixteenth century, American silver -------------------------- (account) for one-fifth of Spain's total budget.


Fill in the blanks using the 1st. Conditional.

1. If it rains tomorrow, we ______________  (stay) at home.
2. If Walter _______________ (get) the job, he can earn a lot of money.
3. If it _________________ (not rain) this afternoon, we will play soccer.
4. If I _________________ (see) Emily, I will give her the book.
5. If you don't hurry, we __________________ (be) late for class.
6. If Helen drives carefully, she _________________ (not have) any accidents.
7. If you ________________ (mail) the letter now, he may receive it on Friday.
8. He will go to the pharmacy if he ________________ (need) some medicine.
9. If Robin _____________________ (drink) too much coffee, he will feel ill.
10. If you see Rachel, _____________________ (tell) her to visit my sister.

Fill in the blanks using the 2nd. Conditional.

1. If Oscar had time, he __________________ (take) a long holiday.
2. If Ingrid ___________________ (brush) her teeth regularly, she would have
fewer cavities.
3. If I got up early. I __________________ (be) there on time.
4. If we helped each other, we __________________ (be) happier.
5. Sam would help the poor if he ____________________ (be) rich.
6. The city would look more beautiful if people _________________ (not throw) rubbish on the streets.
7. Neil wouldn't have the accident if he _____________________ (not brake)
8. If Gary ____________________ (go) to bed earlier, he wouldn't feel so tired.
9. If Sally owned a car, she ___________________ (take) a trip to Virginia.
10. If Pamela worked harder, she _____________________ (probably get) a
better salary.

Fill in the blanks using the 3rd. Conditional.

1. If Mrs. Doe had been operated on immediately, her life _____________ (be) saved.
2. If Jordan _________________ (know) before, he could have loaned me
some money!
3. If you _________________ (leave) ten minutes earlier, you wouldn't have missed the train.
4. I would have helped them if one __________________ (tell) me that they were in trouble.
5. I would have lent you my car if you ___________________ (ask) me.
6. If we ___________________ (born) in the sixteenth century, our lives would have been different.
7. If John had been walking carefully, he _____________________ (not fall) badly.
8. I _____________________ (be angry) if you had told me the truth.


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