jueves, 11 de junio de 2015




Name: ___________________________________ Group: _________________

Date: _______________________


Complete the lefts entences list with the right sentences list.

A) If I had their address…

…you wouldn´t reconized her.
B) If you had saw her…

…I would write to them.
C) If I did more exercise…

…I would lose weight.
D) If you got a job…

…it would cost over  650 pounds.
E) If you asked Janet…

…she would probably give you a lift.
F) If I travelled first class…

…she would give you some medicine.
G) If it was better weather…

…she would be more popular.
H) If she didn´t complain so much…

…you would have more money.
I) If you went to the doctor…

I woud probably learn French.
J) If I worked in Paris…

…we would go with you.

 Complete de following sentences with the Present Perfect Tense.

1) ___________ you ___________ (be) to Asia?

2) She __________________ (not / study) for the exam.

3) Adam and Natalie ________________ (live) together for 3 years.

4) Where ___________ he ____________ (go)?

5) We __________________ (not / leave) yet.

6) I __________________ (want) a new car for a long time.

7) ______________ the bus (arrive) ____________ yet?

8) They _____________ (bring) their children with them.

Complete de following sentences with the Past Perfect Tense.

9) When I arrived at the cinema, the film __________________ (started).

10) She __________________ (live) in China before she went to Thailand.

11) After they ________________  (eat) the sellfish, they began to feel sick.

12) If you ____________________ (listen9 to me, you would have got the job.

13) Julie didn´t arrive until after I _______________ (leave).

14) When we __________________ (finish) dinner, we went out.

15) The garden was dead because it ___________________ (be) dry all summer.

16) He _________________ (meet) her somewhere before.

Read the follow reading and write the main idea and the reading purpose.


University of Derby finds smart phone users in study spent average 3.6 hours a day on devices, often causing severe distraction from relationships and ‘real life’

Smart phones are psychologically addictive, encourage narcissistic tendencies and should come with a health warning, researchers have said.
A study by the University of Derby and published in the International Journal of Cyber Behaviour, Psychology and Learning found that 13% of participants in the study were addicted, with the average users pending 3.6 hours per day on their device.
The majority of participants said their smart phone use caused distraction from many aspects of their lives, including employment, hobbies and studies.
“People need to know the potential addictive properties of new technologies,” he said. “It [the warning] could be before they purchase them or before they download an app. If you’re downloading a game such as Candy Crush or Flappy Bird there could be a warning saying that you could end up playing this for hours and you have other responsibilities [that could be neglected].”

Narcissism and neuroticism were linked to addiction and the authors suggest that smart phones can actually create the former in users. They point to the fact that 35% of people said they used their devices in areas or situations when they were banned (eg while driving), with many offering the justification that they knew better than the authorities who created the rules.

“Narcissism is a negative personality trait and if a person is spending a lot of time on Facebook or Twitter they’re more likely to display these types of traits,” said Hussain.

Hussain said that he is not anti-smart phones – he has one himself, which he uses mainly in the morning while having breakfast and in the evenings – but that addiction to them is negative.
The study says: “If adverse effects of smart phones are well advertised, users might realize that despite using the device for improving communications, it can easily lead to narcissistic actions which can potentially break down familial relationships.”
Hussain said he intends to carry out more research on the subject in future, with a more diverse sample of people.

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